Saturday, March 26, 2011


Ok, I must apologize for it being so long since I posted! But Im going to take a minute and quote Brent Smith by saying "The will to live will always out go the ability to die." I have this written on my now more awesomebad converse knock offs my grandmother gave me. But I also have written TWLOHA, to write love on her arms, which is pretty much what my best friend did for me. He dosn't even know but he saved my life. He put a note in the Vladimir Tod book he let me borrow and it said
Hope you injoy the book, you'll love it but you'll hate the ending. Well Karm i love you injoy
        Yours In
        **NAME HERE** (I'll say his name later and prbly even give him the link to this! lol and yes, ik its spelled Enjoy, but hes to cool for that!)
He needs to know that he saved me from myself. My own MOM didnt even know. Every time I look at this note it makes me actually smile. And by that I mean, smile for real, not that fake smile I put on every day that is absolutly impossible to see through. He is the only one that made me actually happy in lord knows when! I can not thank him enough for saving my life, literaly! He saved me from myself, and I wish I knew how to repay him! I truely love him! He is truely a friend for life, and that thought couldn't make me more happy! I know that note wasn't supposed to be much the way he was thinking but it's my life line. Nacho, thank you! I love you! I couldn't live without you! I'm loyaly your drudge!
Yours in eternity,

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