Tuesday, February 28, 2012

NIghtmares and Stitches. (New Band:The Product)

I seem to only post from class..science class..where i enjoy ignoring my work. BUT BUT BUT! I have found an awesome new band!!!
I am so fortunate that they contacted me on twitter (@karmenskyline ) and told me that if i liked Framing Hanley (which I love!) I should check them out. So by a simple google search of "The Product" everything but the band came up. So when I searched "The Product Band" it lead me to their myspace, where I listened to ,what I immediatly downloaded, their songs "Nightmare" and "Stitches". This is a kind of band where almost immediatly I fell in love. And I also loved the fact that the drumming was intense! Usually its hard to pick up a good beat for Alternative bands but for them I found it and loved it.
And do me a favor!!! Please go like these guys on facebook! www.facebook.com/productrock and follow them on twitter! @ProductRock. Also follow me :D @karmenskyline

Preview: I might review some clothing! Especially Craig Mabbits line: Lolipops and Cigarettes and the clothing line "Sinner Clothing" , and you can follow them at @Caige (Craig Mabbitt) and @SinnerClothing

My life is a Warzone, Caught between whats right and wrong!
Framing Hanley-Warzone

Thursday, February 9, 2012

MINI POST! Im new to tumblr-ing.

As most of you know I'm no stranger to the Twitter scene so follow me! @karmenskyline
BUT that's not the point. I have just made a Tumblr! Yes, a Tumblr. I want to encourage all my readers to follow me on tumblr or make a tumblr and follow me. My post with connect with my daily life, my blog, and hopefully you guys! But that's all the time I have for a mini-post! I love you guys!

"I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin, i must confess that 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Woah. A Post.

Again... I'm posting from school. But this time with Charlotte! (the person..not place) But my latest excuse for being so horrible at posting is because of my crazy (Now ex) boyfriend who we are still afraid is stalking me and I have just come out of hiding. (No computer/cell/facebook, etc) Sienna is a witness of all this! Ive gone almost mad! ( http://www.stylemisfit.blogspot.com/ ) But some exciting things have happened!
I went to WINTER JAM!!!! I sat front row. Dead center. And saw...SKILLET!!! Wait..did I say "saw"? I mean I got to touch and sing with Skillet! No lie...Skillets lead singer, John Cooper, grabs my hand, pulls me of the floor to his microphone , and I sand "I don't wanna live! I don't wanna Breathe!" from their song "Comatose". I also sang some in the song "Those Nights". It was HEAVEN!

In addition to this, I had a fancy VIP pass to get me in  QnA with some aartist and the illusionist. After the show when I proceeded to get the illusionist, Brock Gill's, auto-graph HE REMEMBERED ME! :D
Also, with the meet and greet with another amazing band I've grown very fond to, "We as Human" I became so noticeably nervous that the lead singer and drummer were all like "Oh! Your so nervous! Lets Hug!" and the band proceeded to hug me!
The bands for Winter Jam were amazing. I really like Building429 and Sanctus Real. I also became a fan of "For King and Country", even though they play a genre of music I don't typically enjoy I found their music very enjoyable.

"I stand, when everything is falling around me,
I stand, in spite of all the pain thats around
I stand, I stand here with my fist raised high
when every thing falls, when everything falls
I stand"
I Stand: We as Human